1. Canada has a long and proud history in United Nations peace support operations and has participated in most UN missions since the advent of peacekeeping in 1948. In addition to Canadian participation in UN peace support operations, approximately 2,986 Canadian Forces personnel are participating in other operations. For more information on all current operations, please link to the Canadian Forces Current Operations site;


2. According to the United Nations (UN) monthly summary, dated 30th September 2006, Canada is the 59th largest contributor of military troops, observers and civilian police to the UN. As of the beginning of September 2006, there are approximately 551 Canadian Forces personnel deployed with the following UN peace support operations:

  1. United Nations Truce Supervision Organisation (UNTSO)
    Current Mandate: Indefinite duration
    Number of troops
    : 7 
    UNTSO was established in June 1948 to supervise the armistice agreements between Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. The mission, which has a mandate of indefinite duration, now acts as an intermediary between hostile parties and seeks to contain isolated incidents. Canadians have participated in this mission since 1954 and have provided observers on the Golan Heights, in South Lebanon and in the Sinai.
  2. United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP)
    Current Mandate: Indefinite duration
    Number of Troops: 1
    The main function of UNFICYP is to foster the peaceful conditions in which a lasting settlement can be pursued. The UN Security Council reviews UNFICYP’s mandate every six months, in June and December. Canada has participated in UNFICYP since 1964. Currently, there is one Canadian Forces member assigned to UNFICYP Headquarters.
  3. United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF)
    Current Mandate: Indefinite duration
    Number of Troops: 2
    UNDOF was established to observe the cease-fire between Israel and Syria. The UN Security Council reviews the UNDOF mandate every six months, in May and November.  The current mandate expires on 31 December 2005, in accordance with the Security Council resolution 1605 (2005) of 17 June 2005.  Canadians have participated in UNDOF since 1974. There are approximately 190 CF personnel currently serving on the Golan Heights, between Israel and Syria, who provide second-line logistic support to the force, as well as communications detachments to UNDOF units.

d.   United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI)
Current Mandate:  Indefinite
Number of Troops: 1
UNAMI was established in August 2003 to assist the Iraqi people and government in their reconstruction efforts. UN Security Council resolutions 1483, 1500, 1511, and 1546 outlined the mission’s mandate and tasks. The mandate includes promoting national dialogue and consensus-building on the drafting of a national constitution, and assisting to the coordination and delivery of reconstruction, development, and humanitarian assistance. Canada contributes one Military Advisor to the Secretary General Special Representative for Iraq.

e.   United Nations Organisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC)
Current Mandate: Indefinite duration
Number of Troops: 9
MONUC is mandated to help restore peace and security in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) by monitoring the implementation of the Lusaka Ceasefire Agreement. The UN Security Council authorised the expansion of MONUC to 5537 military personnel, including 500 observers, with the passage of Resolution 1291 on 24 Feb 00.  Canada is contributing Canadian Forces’ officers to MONUC in Kinshasa and in Kisangani.

f.    United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS)
Current Mandate: June 2008
Number of Troops: 32
On 9 January 2005, the Government of Sudan (GoS) signed a comprehensive peace agreement with the rebels of the South, ending the 21-year civil war in southern Sudan.  Now that UNSCR 1590 has been passed, the UN is deploying an observer mission in Southern Sudan (UNMIS) with enabling and protection capabilities.


g.   United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti  (MINUSTAH)

Current mandate:  Indefinite duration

Number of troops: 4

Authorized by UN Security Council Resolution 1542 (30 April 2004), MINUSTAH was established to ensure, in support of the Transitional Government, a secure and stable environment within which the constitutional and political process in Haiti can take place, to support the constitutional and political process under way in Haiti, and to support the Transitional Government as well as Haitian human rights institutions and groups in their efforts to promote and protect human rights. Canada is providing three staff officers, including a colonel to the position of Chief of Staff. 


 1. This does not include the Canadian contribution of civilian police (civpol) to UN peace support operations. According to the UN’s monthly summary, effective 30 September 2006, Canada is contributing 69 civpol personnel to UN operations.